Cuba Journal

3 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time For A Photography Tour of Cuba

Cuba’s distinction as the latest travel novelty has had only a modest impact on the rich urban and rural scenes available for travelers’ camera lenses.

But things are changing, and thanks to Cuba’s long history and cultural complexity, travelers can still time warp to the previous century and capture a bit of nostalgia. One enterprising tour operator wants to help people capture some of the magic that happens when first-time visitors see Cuba.

Cuba Photo Travel offers a 6-night, 7-day tour that are tailored for photographers or for anyone interested in experiencing Cuba and telling the story through a camera lens. You don’t have to be an expert photographer to have a great experience. Cuba Photo Travel tours are compliant with U.S. travel rules. And don’t forget that Cuba is one of the safest places in the world for American travelers.

Here are three reasons to take a photography tour of Cuba today:

More Flights to Cuba, Lower Cost To Travel: Beginning in the 4th Quarter of 2016, the U.S. and Cuba resumed normal passenger air service resulting in a huge increase in the number of direct flights to Cuba from many U.S. cities.  Now you can get to Cuba easier, faster and cheaper.

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No Commercial Advertising. One little-known fact about Cuba that is easily overlooked until you visit the island nation is the virtual absence of modern commercial advertising. In fact, Havana is one of the few remaining major cities in the world where garish advertising does not frame the view of every street corner. The same applies to all of Cuba’s urban environments and rural landscapes.

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The Majestic Decay of Cuba’s Amazing Architecture. According to the Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Architecture, Cuba has one the largest intact collections of historical buildings of any country in the world (going back more than 500 years), including one of the largest intact collections of Spanish colonial architecture and the largest collection of Soviet-era prefabricated buildings. Be prepared to be challenged, though. A Western-trained eye is taught to equate newness with relevancy. It doesn’t take long for a new orientation to impact your perception and photo skills.

3 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time For A Photography Tour of Cuba was last modified: May 15th, 2017 by Simons Chase