Cuba Journal

Adventure Travel Gains Momentum in Cuba

cuba by kayak

Image by Chad Case Photography

Cuba’s vast coastline (40% longer than Florida’s) and diverse terrestrial features are just now being discovered by adventure travelers.

The Adventure Travel Trade Association defines adventure tourism as a trip (travelling outside a person’s normal environment for more than 24 hours and not more  than one consecutive year) that includes at least two of the following three elements: physical activity, natural environment, and cultural immersion.

Cuba Unbound, the leading active travel company of Cuba, delivers on its promise to show travelers in Cuba something more than city tours, scenes framed by bus windows and copycat itineraries. According to the company’s President, Peter Grubb, “Cuba is begging for travelers who are curious and eager to learn about their people, their culture, their wildlife, their nature…and have those as the center pieces of the travel experience.”

The company’s people-to-people outdoor adventure programs are founded on increasing dialogue and making meaningful connections in Cuba. Traveling through Cuba with a people-to-people emphasis means that the itineraries will take participants to places that the typical tourist seldom sees or knows to look for. The fully-scheduled trips are compliant with U.S. travel rules for Cuba and is licensed by the Cuban government.

Here are some of Cuba Unbound’s packages:

Images by Chad Case Photography

Adventure Travel Gains Momentum in Cuba was last modified: March 27th, 2017 by Cuba Journal