Cuba Journal

Cuba Through The Lens Of A Black and White Camera

Black and white photography has a special affinity with Cuba – it has a magical ability to shift time in a place that itself is famous for taking you back to a nostalgic place.

Time is thieved by the garish, colorful iconography and totems of consumerism that so overpower modern vistas. Too many experiences involve what’s important in the “now” and the gap in consumption that can only be satisfied by buying something-anything, now.

RELATED: Here’s a Photography Tour of Cuba

Time – and what it means – is just a perception. In Cuba, your perception muscle will stir from its dormancy and place demands on you to challenge your own perceptions, perhaps revealing some aspect of the future through the past or even the present. It’s in these moments of shifting perceptions that new insights are gained, igniting personal reflection and, hopefully, artistic expression.

Here are some of the best black and white images in our portfolio:

A wedding couple poses outside Old Havana Basilica Menor. Image by Cuba Journal
Playground in Cojimar. Image by Cuba Journal
Playground in Cojimar. Image by Cuba Journal
Unloading Cohiba wrappers in Pinar del Rio. Image by Cuba Journal
Less glamour and more utility in Pinar del Rio. Image by Cuba Journal
Town square, Santa Clara. Image by Cuba Journal
An oily night in Old Havana. Image by Cuba Journal
Passing time in Old Havana. Image by Cuba Journal
Broken down in Miramar. Image by Cuba Journal
The sea as seen in Miramar. Image by Cuba Journal
Cuba Through The Lens Of A Black and White Camera was last modified: June 17th, 2017 by Simons Chase