Cuba Journal

Engage Cuba’s Latest Partner

Gran Teatro Havana

By the Cuba Journal Staff

Engage Cuba has a major new partner.

The coalition of private companies and organizations working to end the travel and trade embargo on Cuba has announced a partnership with the American Hotel & Lodging Association.

“We are extremely pleased to welcome AH&LA to Engage Cuba. AH&LA is the industry leader in hospitality and a powerful voice calling for an end to the Cuban embargo and travel ban,” said James Williams, President of Engage Cuba. “Regulatory changes can keep the Cuban embargo intact for only so long. Engage Cuba and its allies are working on the ground now to ensure that when the embargo and travel ban are lifted, there is a strong infrastructure on the Island to allow the American hospitality industry to enter a new market and thrive.”

The announcement of the partnership is the latest example of what is becoming a nationwide push to further change US policy in Cuba.

“We are proud to join Engage Cuba during this period of dramatic change in U.S. policy towards Cuba, a country which represents an exciting new market for our industry. Significant progress has already been made toward allowing U.S. hotel companies to operate on the island, but there is much more work to be done,” said Craig Kalkut, Vice President of Government Affairs of AH&LA. “AH&LA looks forward to working with Engage Cuba on their goal of ending the embargo and travel ban so that our industry can successfully compete in Cuba.”

Engage Cuba’s Latest Partner was last modified: April 8th, 2016 by Cuba Journal