Cuba Journal

Lobos: A Cuban Suspense Film with High Aspirations

cuban film lobos

Lobos is a 15-minute short film about silences and whisperings.

The storyline of this intimate and powerful film revolves around life’s ironic qualities and the importance of enjoying life with what we have. The film’s title was a collaboration. Four titles were selected and voted for on-line; the final name is a group creation.

Lobos draws from Michael Haneke’s dark style as well as the type of suspense invented by Hitchcock where the camera imitates a person’s point of view. This voyeuristic framing produces sensations of anxiety, fear and empathy. Likewise, the short film is strongly influenced by Caravaggio and Rembrandt’s use of chiaroscuro, a use of strong contrasts between light and dark, often producing bold contrasts.

The film concept was developed by Camila Carballo and is currently attracted attention as a crowdfunded project on Vermaki. Now in the pre-production stage, filming will begin in the middle of September, 2016 and is targeted to finish postproduction by December.

Technical Details
Cuba/2017/ Fiction
Director: Camila Carballo
Actors: Raquel Rey, Yasmany Guerrero and Raúl Capote
Production: Camila Carballo and Jesús D. Acosta
Photography: Kalet Polo
Direct sound: Claudia Pando
Art Direction: Michel Deschapell´s
Film Editing: Jesús D. Acosta
Producer Company: Autostop
Contact: and

Lobos: A Cuban Suspense Film with High Aspirations was last modified: September 11th, 2016 by Cuba Journal