Cuba Journal

Miami Startup Event to Focus on Cuban Tech Scene

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The AngelSummit America‘s event in Miami on April 14-15, 2016 has roots in the local tech scene but its branches reach around the globe.

Beginning with “Billion Dollar Companies Can Come From Anywhere”, the conference’s topics cover global themes as well as local opportunities – including the tech scene in Cuba, the most interesting place in the world today.

The event’s Cuban tech segment, “Both Sides of the Table: A View Into Startup Cuba”, is moderated by John McIntire of Cuba Emprede Foundation. John, who was born in Havana, is an early stage investor in the education technology space focusing on global B2C opportunities. John is also a Senior Advisor to Endeavor Global, the leading non-profit organization promoting entrepreneurship in the developing world, and has been involved in entrepreneur mentoring and selection with that organization for over a decade.

Other speakers on the Cuba panel include:

Whether you’re an active angel considering new opportunities or a new investor considering market-entry, this event offers learning, networks and resources to help focus and achieve investing goals.

The emerging Cuban tech scene promises opportunities for many Cubans to connect and share after experiencing generations of isolation. And perhaps for the first time in history, technology’s impact could alter the course of an entire country’s economic development in ways never seen before by leapfrogging traditional means of development.

The AngelSummit Americas event is presented by the Knight Foundation and Startup Angels.

Here is what President Obama said about the entrepreneurship in Cuba during his trip to Havana last month.

Here is the a story about Merchise, Cuba’s earliest tech community. Merchise met President Obama and announced a partnership with Stripe Atlas.

Miami Startup Event to Focus on Cuban Tech Scene was last modified: April 4th, 2016 by Simons Chase