Cuba Journal

Two Photographers Explore Private Side of Cuba

Taos Artist Collective, in Taos, New Mexico, hosted Cuba Photography Retrospective in June.  The exhibit showcased the work of Marcus Best and Jeremy G. Landau.  These photographs were taken on the island of Cuba, before the end of the embargo, and documents Cuba under the embargo, a Cuba that will soon disappear.

“Cuba is a dream for a travel photographer. So much vibrant color, so much rich texture, so many smiling faces. I visited Cuba in 2004, during two events that had the attention of the entire country: the World Series, and the election that extended Bush’s presidency for another term. Cubans were itching for change back then, and it looks like big changes are finally on the horizon with current talks of easing the US embargo. I’m glad I got to see the country before, seemingly frozen in time, but I’m hopefully that the coming transition will lead to better lives for all Cubans.”

Jeremy’s Cuban photography was shot between 1997 to 2003 during which time he worked with a medical mission to Cuba

Here are links to Marcus Best’s website and Jeremy Landau’s website.

Cuban Kite Girl – Marcus Best
Cuban blue car – Marcus Best
Havana Studebaker – Jeremy Landau
Playa Colorado pier – Jeremy Landau
Cigar Smokin’ Mama – Jeremy Landau
Two Photographers Explore Private Side of Cuba was last modified: February 26th, 2016 by Simons Chase