Cuba Journal

Cuban-American Business Leaders Publish Open Letter

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Ten Cuban-American business leaders published a full-page advertisement in today’s Miami Herald after a recent trip to Cuba.

According to an article in the Miami Herald, the ten business leaders returned from Cuba convinced that stronger ties to the U.S. would help Cubans.  The advertisement, “An Open Letter to Our Fellow Cuban-Americans”, says, “We saw progress beyond what we could have imagined. We saw entrepreneurs with a thirst for knowledge and families benefiting from the newfound freedom of enterprise. It is these ‘everyday’ people who are leading the way to an improved life but not without challenges.”

Regarding the US trade embargo, they denounced it as ineffective: “As fellow Cuban-Americans, let us recognize the progress that has been made on both sides of the 90-mile Florida Straits, albeit halting, in the right direction. Just consider what has been accomplished in the last 12 months versus what has been accomplished in the last century.”

“We have arrived at the point in our lives where we have no interest in personal advancement, but only in what would be good for ‘nuestra gente,’” our people, they stressed.

Two Republicans who led the travel group paid for the ad: Carlos Gutierrez, the U.S. commerce secretary under former President George W. Bush, and Mike Fernandez, the Coral Gables healthcare magnate and top financial backer of Jeb Bush’s presidential campaign.

Here are the most recent developments that suggest the embargo’s days are numbered:

Cuban-American Business Leaders Publish Open Letter was last modified: December 21st, 2015 by Simons Chase