We’ve long been passionate about a certain Cuban cigar: the Montecristo No. 2.
The famous torpedo has always been one of the best cigars from Cuba, with its robust but not-too-strong body and classic Montecristo flavor.
But on recent trips to both Cuba and the wider Caribbean, we’ve become particular to another Montecristo: the Edmundo.
It’s a cigar that has really come into its own in recent years, and now it’s, simply put, exquisite.
It’s got loads of flavor — pepper, spice, some cacao, some leather, some tanginess, a little leather.
But the most remarkable quality is just how exceptionally smooth it is — this is a cigar with very robust flavor but a light, smooth quality that’s never overpowering.
And that makes it our Cuban Cigar of the Year.
— Cuba Journal