Despite an uninterrupted boom in the world’s travel infrastructure in the last 50 years, Cuba’s relatively modest development has some hidden benefits. One little known benefit from Cuba’s policy of isolation is the preservation of its coastline that remains mostly unspoiled by bulldozers and asphalt. Its pristine beaches sparkle with seashells and vegetation rather than the typical sprawl of highrises and parking lots so familiar to most Western tourists. Cuba is a haven. Here are four of the beaches you must see on your next trip to Cuba.
Engage Cuba Coalition Challenges Legislative Roadblocks
By Cuba Journal Staff Engage Cuba is an independent public policy organization dedicated to mobilizing American businesses, non-profit groups and concerned citizens in support of the the ongoing U.S.‐Cuba normalization process and enacting legislation to reform U.S. travel and trade restrictions with Cuba. Despite its short life, the organization has acquired an impressive membership roster. To … Read more