Cuban & American Natural History Museums to Collaborate

Cuban & American Natural History Museums to Collaborate

As part of a formal Memorandum of Understanding signed in Havana on July 9, The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) and Cuban National Museum of Natural History (Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba, MNHN) will collaborate on research, exhibitions, and education. The July 9 agreement follows a century of scientific collaboration between AMNH … Read more

The Best Museums in Havana

The Best Museums in Havana

by Cuba Journal Staff

Few cities in the world can claim to possess a collection of museums with the stunning architecture that can be found in Havana.  Cuba’s eventful 400 year history is reflected in the facades and architectural elements that document Spanish rule, revolution and a modern love of cars and rum.  In short, there is something for everyone in the Havana art and architecture scene.

Some other museums to see include the National Museum of Beautiful Arts (Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba), the Car Museum (Museo del Automovil), the Chocolate Museum (Museo del Chocolate).